Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's tough to tell in these photos but our half-bath was covered ( and I mean covered, even the ceiling was wallpapered) in dark navy and white striped wallpaper.
. This white wicker mirror alone filled me with rage....

Ahhh...Roxbury Caramel from my BF, Benjamin Moore.........

Plus some Bronze spray paint on that blasted wicker mirror frame and a cute vase from the local antique shop....
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Here is our Living Room sans makeover...the reddish wallpaper is supposed to complement the Bird Wallpaper as you will see in the following pic.

This is the Dining Room portion... half bird/half red checkers (and all green crown molding)

Yay! Palladian blue (Benjamin Moore I love you) and white trim work.....................................

This is the Dining Room portion which has an "accent" wall of Covington Blue...someone has been watching a little too much HGTV..........
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Kitchen (Before & After)

 Here is our kitchen when we first moved in. Notice the '50s Diner table our friends let us borrow just to have someplace to eat dinner on. While the previous owner kept the walls white with cheap chair rails, he tried to jazz it up with some bright red blinds...

Here it is sans chair rails and a new paint job (Raspberry Truffle, BM). View is from other end of the kitchen where the fridge is.

Original kitchen, view from dining area. Not enough counter or cabinet space.

We added an island for extra cabinet and counter space as well as a hanging pot rack (ebay!) . Looks a bit more cluttered than the original but much more functional.
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Any friend of Bacon's is a friend of mine! This is why we chose to do the traditional Easter ham this year. Copper Penny Carrots (below) was a side dish.
Potato-Onion Casserole (below) was another side dish and was delish.....

All in all everything turned out pretty first I thought my husband was just saying it was good to be nice but he is pretty straighforward and plus when I tried it myself it WAS pretty good (and I didn't have any wine in my system at that point, yet.)

Of course no dinner would be complete without Pillsbury Grande buttermilk biscuits...yum!
Easter is one of those funny holidays that is kind of a big deal but not as big a deal as say Christmas. I normally celebrate by watching my mother cook and consuming obscene amounts of wine...but this year because I was responsible for a lot of piping hot dishes, various degrees of cooking and paying attention to what goes in the oven when and for how long...I had to have my sober game face on. This year's Easter was a far more positive memory than the one when I was frolicking in Nana's garage and slipped in the oil from Uncle George's boat. My Polly Flinders dress ruined I was forced to strip down and wear Uncle Ed's red "Coke is IT!" t-shirt and brown socks for the rest of the day...I guess any Easter would top that one though when you think about it....
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blasted Bird Wallpaper

Can you find the light switch? Ok, maybe you can...but when it's late at're puttering down to the Bamboo Room*  to chillax with a glass of red and the lights are dim you would be surprised how many times you have to high five this particular wall before you come up with a light switch. Worse than the ugly wallpaper is the fact that someone took the wall switch plate and painstakingly matched it up perfectly to create a light switch chameleon.
*This is not some new retro club, it is our family room that is covered in bamboo, true story.

They mock me...all of them...even the shells who seem so innocent and unassuming are jeering.

"You don't think it's too much?" "Oh no no... it's a very versatile print...put it everywhere it will blend nicely".
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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Honeymoon

Proud of myself for not tripping down the aisle or having a hand flapping panic attack at the reception, I could not be more excited for the honeymoon. Husband and I arrive at Logan at about 5 am and are giddy with excitement. Those who know him probably cannot picture him "giddy" but if you pay attention you can catch Kevin (his dimple) appear more often than usual. We (I) am telling everyone within earshot that we are on our honeymoon as though this will ensure us a free flight or extra pretzels. The flights go off without a hitch and we arrive at our destination early afternoon. We have received a "deal" on the place we are staying at from FIL's "friend" (drinking/golfing buddy). We had a bit of a scare months prior when we heard from some locals the property was under construction however we were assured our unit would be fine. Meet FIL's friend (read smarmy) who shows us to our room. The view (looking out to the water in both the living room and bedroom) is breath taking. We ditch our luggage and head to the Sunset Bar around the corner. Upon arriving back at our room we decide to bring a couple glasses of wine and go sit outside on our veranda to enjoy the view. For a split moment I think about changing into some first-night-of-honeymoon-worthy attire but decide against it (this will prove to be an important decision later). I stick with my bra and shorts (not even cute short shorts, bermuda knee-length shorts as I have a deep belief in wearing short shorts after a certain age). I simultaneously push down and up a button on the latch to slide the door open and place the wine out on the table. Husband follows with two glasses and after placing them on the table, turns and shuts the slider behind us. While this is happening all sound turns off in my head and time slows. Similar to the scene in Boyz in the Hood when the good brother gets shot in the drive by and the bad brother (Ice Cube)  runs in slow motion towards him yelling "nooooo" except there are no guns involved and I am yelling "dontlockusout" but really quickly before the door closes. We are locked out on the veranda. We are locked out on the veranda with the dead bolt on the front door because we planned to be in for the night. We are locked out on the veranda with the dead bolt on the front door because we planned to be in for the night and know there is just ONE person (smarmy friend) who has the key to that dead bolt. Husband puts one leg over the rail as I start a frenzied "don't-leave-me-alone-what-if-you-break-your-neck" dance (there are no high kicks and jazz hands involved but rather bouncing and hand clapping with slight whining sounds). He scales his way across to our neighbor's porch, then over to another porch until he is out of site and I am convinced he has dropped the two stories and cracked his head open. I hear a faint shout of victory from the darkness and sit down to sip my wine, pretending to be a normal bride on her honeymoon. An hour later husband reappears below and informs me that Slimy is currently at a movie so it may be another hour but the rest of the staff is working on it. I smile courageously and say "no worries" as I slap another mosquito away (which I am sure at that moment has given me the Caribbean version of the Bubonic plague). An hour goes by, I have drunk both my and husband's glass of wine when he pops his head eye level to me from our neighbor's porch. The staff has broken in to our neighbor's room and all are popping their heads over to see how I'm doing in my purple bra. Suddenly a tiny man hops onto my veranda claiming to be the hotel locksmith, asks which one is the slider to our bedroom and pops the lock. I race into my bedroom after him, throw on a tank top and casually stroll into our living room to greet my husband who has just been let in by the locksmith from the front door. Luckily we still have half a bottle of wine left. We do not know the next few days will bring us a flooded bathroom, no hot water in the shower for the rest of our stay, and a nightclub next door so loud I still chant "I like to move it, move it" in my sleep. We just park ourselves in the living room in front of the television, only going out to the veranda if a chair is wedged in the doorway.