Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blasted Bird Wallpaper

Can you find the light switch? Ok, maybe you can...but when it's late at're puttering down to the Bamboo Room*  to chillax with a glass of red and the lights are dim you would be surprised how many times you have to high five this particular wall before you come up with a light switch. Worse than the ugly wallpaper is the fact that someone took the wall switch plate and painstakingly matched it up perfectly to create a light switch chameleon.
*This is not some new retro club, it is our family room that is covered in bamboo, true story.

They mock me...all of them...even the shells who seem so innocent and unassuming are jeering.

"You don't think it's too much?" "Oh no no... it's a very versatile print...put it everywhere it will blend nicely".
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1 comment:

  1. Good Lord! I didn't know it creeped all the way up to the main floor!!!! Please get me the name and number of the previous owner - I'd like to speak with said person. However, I have a feeling they moved from your house straight into the funny farm!
